Friday 19 October 2012

Bad Car-ma

I’ve probably said this before, but when it comes to Long Street I just have a lot of bad karma.  But on this particular Friday, for some odd reason the imaginary Gods that reign over Long decided to give me a break and pour their wrath on another poor unsuspecting soul.  This person to be exact is a friend of mine. We shall name her Emma for the purposes of anonymity.

Our story starts in Long Street Café. And Before I go any further, I should explain the weather that day. It was COOOOOOLD! It was a VERY COLD, VERY RAINY, very WINDY Friday. It RAINED the entire night. Long Street itself was covered in pools of water. It was literally a miserable night for a girls’ night out.

 Now to get back to our story... We were seated in Long Street Café with very little options of where else to go due to the gloomy weather, when more of our friends stream in through the door (including Emma). Unlike us, our other friends where very happy and jubilant. They were optimistic for the rest of the night, when we were so very close to calling it a night. They had all of these ideas of where else we could go to continue the night. We too got excited; I guess the night wasn’t done after all. We finished off our drinks and left the Café.

I really have to repeat this, the weather was atrocious! It poured all the way, on our "run" to the car (most of us in heels, we couldn’t actually run). We get into the car and… the car won’t start. The driver tries it again…nothing. She tries it yet again, and again, and again. But the car would not start, not once. Someone then suggests we get out the car and PUSH! Yes, you read right. We were to PUSH the car down Long Street for it to start.

I had previously mentioned that we were all in heels. I, at that time, had thoughts of horror filling my mind. Firstly, it’s raining! Secondly, we are all in heels! Thirdly, MY HAIR!! I’m pretty sure I was the only one with such feelings of dread. All the other girls except me and another friend decided to get out of the car and push. Don’t know how to explain it but I felt like this situation had no good ending for me. So, I decided to stand on the side and watch these other girls push.

I think they were pushing for about 30 seconds when ,THUD!!!, Emma slips face first into a pool of water. She was DRENCHED!!! SWIMMING in that puddle! With her clutch bag in the one hand and one of her heels lying about a meter away from here. IT WAS THE MOST HORRIFYING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN! Dressed in her little cocktail dress, make-up done, hair done... and she was laying face first in that dirty pool of water in Long Street.

At that very moment I stopped feeling guilty for not helping to push. Clearly I now have a sixth sense when it comes to bad karma in Long. To conclude we did end up getting the car to start with a little help from some random men. But I think it was evident from the unfortunate event that happened to poor Emma, our night was done. Wrong! Emma and the crew decided to carry on their night, whilst we called it quits. I just didn’t want to push my luck to much that night. I had dodged a bullet (thanks to Emma LOL).

You really don’t have to believe this one. You had to have been there to see it. That ends Emma’s story of her bad car-ma (get it?) on Long...

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